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Estimated USD 2000 by experts, Chinese vase sells for USD 9 Million

Why was a Chinese vase estimated €2000 hammered at€7.7M on Oct 1st?
Auction house Osenat, based in Versailles and Fontainebleau’s fine art highest ever auction had been a €4.2M in 2007 for Napoleon’s sword used in Marengo battle back in 1800. Osenat is very famous for XVII to XIXth century French antiques.
This blue and white Tianquiuping 52cm high porcelaine enamelled vase was analysed by the sale expert as a 20th century piece based on photo overlooking the Qianlong xviii century Emperor stamp at the bottom of the vase. The vase had been added to the general sale when its owner living abroad sent it to Osenat . The lady, had inherited it from her grandmother and left it since for years in a closed house in Brittany.
When published in the catalogue, it triggered serious interest from Chinese collectors :Osenat had to request a €15 000 down payment in order to prevent non-funded bids. The sale started with 30 bidders quickly reaching a €100 000 pace, 10 of them were left when the bid reached €5M and only 2 fought for it from 7M.
The buyer is based in China,high chances it unveils a museum name behind the interest.
Auction vs over the counter deal? The lady selling the vase would say : ´Bien sur!’