Modigliani sale fails expectations

The last Modigliani painting auctionned at Christie's Shanghai Long museum founder's art sale in Hong Kong : inflation impact on art market?


Amedeo Modigliani’s Paulette Jourdain (1919) portrait was hammered USD 34.8m at HK Sotheby’s Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei Collection sale, it had been acquired from tycoon Alfred Taubmann in 2015 at Sotheby’s NY for USD 42m .
The sale raised USD 69m short of expectations ranking between USD 95 and 135m as 10 artworks ran unsold.
Paulette was 15y old when Modigliani portrayed her, she was his dealer Zborowski’s assistant and later lover. She opened her own gallery when the dealer died and continued promoting Modigliani. She posed for other artists at Montparnasse.
It was Modigliani’s last painting before his death in January 1920. It had been in the collection of both his dealers Zborowski and Guillaume and was exhibited at NY MoMA and London’s Royal Academy back in 1951 and 2006.
Modigliani’s influence from primitive art ( masks) thoroughly explored by Gauguin,Picasso and Matisse is obvious while his admiration of Italian Renaissance resonates through his sitter’s posture ( da Vinci’s influence) and carnation luminosity(Fra Angelico) .
Paris Orangerie museum showcases a series of Modigliani portraits next to Paul Guillaume s impressionist collection and one can hear Modigliani saying he only would fully paint your eyes when he perfectly knows your soul…..
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